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Sep 03 2024 - 16:00

Mart - Conference hall

Israel and Palestine: The Dehumanisation

Nello Scavo and Raffaele Crocco

Nello Scavo in conversation with Raffaele Crocco

The civil society debate on what is happening in Palestine and Israel seems to be trapped in a binary logic that proposes opposing visions and too often aims at dehumanising the enemy. Many experts believe that this is precisely the issue that needs to be resolved in order to make peace proposals concrete.

The event is under the patronage of Amnesty International.

Nello Scavo is a journalist for Avvenire, international reporter, war correspondent and judicial reporter. His investigative work has been covered by the world's leading newspapers and magazines, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, Le Monde, Huffington Post, BBC, CNN, La Nacion, El Pais, El Mundo and others. 

Raffaele Crocco is the creator and director of the project "Atlante delle Guerre e dei Conflitti del Mondo” (Atlas of World Wars and Conflicts) and is president of the 46° Parallelo Association. He was head of section and anchorman at the Trento TGR Rai regional TV news, and collaborator in the Est Ovest programme on RadioUno. He was correspondent in war zones for Trieste Oggi, Il Gazzettino, Il Corriere della Sera, Il Manifesto, Liberazione. From 2021 he is the director of Unimondo.


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