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Aug 30 2024 - 16:00

Mart - Conference hall

Deglobalisation. If America's decline leaves the world centreless

Fabrizio Maronta and Simone Casalini

Presentation of the book by Fabrizio Maronta in conversation with Simone Casalini

Faced with the violent jolts caused by the crisis of US power, globalisation reveals itself as a geopolitical phenomenon. Being immersed in the American century, we were not aware of it and took its characteristic features for granted: the supremacy of liberal societies, the unifying force of interdependencies, the completeness of capitalist economies. Yet all is now being questioned, both outside and inside America. And by dismantling the myth of globalisation, we can try to imagine what type of world lies ahead of us.

Fabrizio Maronta is managing editor and head of international relations at Limes - Rivista italiana di geopolitica. A university lecturer, he edited the entry on neoliberalism for the Treccani Encyclopaedia and collaborated with the Italian Ministry of Economy in defining the Italian position in the European negotiations on the 2007-2013 economic and financial perspectives. His book is published by Hoepli in 2024. 

Simone Casalini is the director of the newspaper il T Quotidiano. He has collaborated with international political periodicals (Eastwest and Dialoghi Mediterranei), in particular on Tunisia's socio-political evolution, migration and post-colonial issues. He published Intervista al Novecento (Egon, 2010) and La società ibrida. Culture, frontiere e società in transizione (Meltemi, 2019).


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