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Sep 04 2024 - 16:00

Mart - Conference hall

The Muxe Community, the Third Gender

Thomas Lebrun and Maria Carolina Vesce

Thomas Lebrun and Maria Carolina Vesce with screening of a documentary by Ivan Olita

In the indigenous communities around the city of Juchitán, Mexico, the world is not simply divided into men and women. The local Zapotecs have made room for a third category, which they call “muxes”: men who consider themselves women and who constitute a socially accepted “third gender”.

There will be simultaneous translation from French to Italian.

Thomas Lebrun, choreographer and dancer, is the current director of the Centre chorégraphique national de Tours. Since his nomination in January 2012, he has presented his repertoire in over 800 performances to more than 200,000 spectators in France and abroad. A trained teacher, he places transmission at the center of his approach.

Maria Carolina Vesce, Ph.D. in Anthropology and Historical-Linguistic Studies (University of Messina), has conducted field research in Naples and Samoa. Her interests focus on the themes of the body, gender, and personhood, with particular regard for non-heteronormative gender experiences and the impact of biomedical gender categories on local contexts. She is the author of essays published in books and journals, including Corpi che cambiano. Una ricerca etnografica sulle femminelle napoletane.


Wheelchair accessible.

Free access upon reservation.

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