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Sep 02 2022 - 22:00

MART Sala Conferenze



The Mediterranean is not just the Mare Nostrum that we have heard so much about during these years of migration crisis, a basin around which many civilizations have emerged and a hub for trade and commerce in the pre-modern world. The Mediterranean is an ideal center to which much broader balances converge and around which they gravitate; it is a place of intersection and exchange of multiple universes: cultural, artistic, political, environmental, and human.

A plurality that coexists, not always peacefully, in the Mediterranean and around it, in that space-in-between that gives it the role of a bridge, a connection, a meeting point. To represent this plurality, which is difficult to attribute to a geometric model, we can draw on the concept of space, which is both physical and social. From this emerges a path of exploration that begins, without stopping, from the four cardinal points of the compass rose, continuing beyond them.

Anna Benazzoli, Marzia Bona, Caterina Ghobert

Saturday, September 3, 2022
Conference Room of MART - 11:30 AM
In Journey through the Republic of Venice
Giovanni Vale and Egidio Ivetic

Sunday, September 4, 2022
Conference Room of MART - 5:30 PM
South-Western Mediterranean Sea
Laura Canali

Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Conference Room of MART - 5:30 PM
The Geopoetics of the Arab World
Christian Elia, Laila Sit Aboha, and Silvia Moresi

Saturday, September 10, 2022
Conference Room of MART - 11:30 AM
Naples and Marseille, Mediterranean Cities
Marcello Anselmo

Saturday, September 10, 2022
Conference Room of MART - 5:30 PM
The Mediterranean as a Mediocean, Connector between East and West
Lorenzo Noto