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Aug 31 2007 - 15:00

Palazzo della Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio

The paradoxes of cultural métissage


Originally confined to the biological realm and for a long time viewed negatively, the notion of métissage has progressively extended to the cultural sphere. What does this concept add to the contemporary world and its cultural exchanges? Two things that the word "culture" leaves in the shadows: métissage involves the body and carries traces of violence. The term "cultural métissage" thus appears paradoxical. On one hand, it invites us to understand cultures through the body; on the other, it implies the inseparable dimension of this encounter: violence. Are métissages truly carriers of new values, new meanings? Or, under the aegis of unstoppable globalization, do they reproduce the hegemony of the dominant cultural and socio-economic model?
In reality, métissages are testimonies to a constant transformation. They herald a break, a novelty, and a radical change that cannot leave any of the parties indifferent. They break down borders and separations by revealing their intrinsic inconsistency. Instead of emphasizing the differences between cultures, they highlight their contiguities, inviting us to consider identities in a constant and original process of evolution, which never leads to societies and cultures separated by clear-cut boundaries, except those we ourselves produce.

Jean-Loup Amselle, an anthropologist, is the Editor-in-Chief of Cahiers d'études africaines and a Director of Studies at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris. Author of numerous essays, he published Au coeur de l'ethnie: ethnies, tribalisme et état en Afrique in 1985 with Elikia M’Bokolo, which has had a substantial influence on the studies surrounding the notion of ethnicity. His works available in Italian include: Logiche meticce. Antropologia dell'identità in Africa e altrove (1999, Bollati Boringhieri), Connessioni. Antropologia dell'universalità delle culture (2001, Bollati Boringhieri), and L’arte africana contemporanea (2007, Bollati Boringhieri).

Ayoko Mensah, a Franco-Togolese journalist, is the editor-in-chief of Africultures, one of the most prominent French magazines specializing in contemporary African arts. In 2001, she edited a special issue dedicated to contemporary African dance. She collaborates with various European media outlets, including Ballet International and Radio France Internationale, and is co-author of documentaries on African dance, such as Luanda fait danser l’Afrique.