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Logo Anticorpi XL
Logo Anticorpi XL
Jan 30 2014 - 23:00

Network Anticorpi XL is the Italian network dedicated to young auteur dance. It currently involves 37 operators from 15 regions and for ten years has represented one of the most significant "best practices" of the scene in Italy, a concrete and significant example of promotion of the new generation of Italian choreographers.

The Network XL partners play an important scouting role in their respective regional territories and subscribe to shared guidelines that include different ways to support artists, such as closely following the creation processes, fostering mobility, creating opportunities to disseminate and observe young auteur dance.

Oriente Occidente has been an associate partner of the network since 2014 and each year numerous artists are supported through actions such as:

  • The Vetrina della giovane danza d'autore, the first action of the network, takes place every year within the Festival Ammutinamenti in Ravenna and is aimed at mapping and supporting the new generations of authors of contemporary dance

  • ResiDance XL is dedicated to residency projects for choreographic creations

  • CollaborAction XL supports the choreographic project of an emerging choreographer who stands out on the national scene

  • Danza Urbana XL promotes the dissemination and visibility of works conceived for urban or unconventional spaces

  • Nuove Traiettorie is a training course aimed at young authors in the early stages of their authorial career selected by their regional contacts

  • Prove d'Autore offers young up-and-coming choreographers the opportunity to measure their authorial skills by confronting themselves with the conception and writing of choreography for ensembles of young performers with academic training

  • CollaborAction Kids is the dance activity aimed at an audience of children and adolescents with the purpose of supporting knowledge, the creative act, the production and circulation of performances