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Sep 09 2023 - 20:00

Mart - Giardino delle Sculture, Rovereto

Turkish Psychedelic


BaBa ZuLa

The ney flute comes from the Sufi-Islamic tradition of the past, the clarinet is a symbol of Turkish gypsy music, the electric saz and the wooden spoon are the musical compass to the Turkish roots going back to pre-Islamic times.

These are the instruments that Baba Zula use, skilfully mixed with modern oriental dub, Anatolian folk and psychedelic rock from the 1960s. This is the "psychedelia of Istanbul". Considered the jewel in the crown of Turkish music, the band formed in 1996 boasts collaborations with the likes of Massive Attack and Einstürzende Neubauten.
With their crossover of caravan grooves, shamanic murmurs, club sounds and psych-folk hymns, Baba Zula arrive in Rovereto after making their fans dance all over the world, from Tokyo to New York, from New Delhi to Sao Paulo.

The Turks Baba Zula, with their dub/reggae that brings Jamaican afres to the streets of Istanbul, create a bridge that unites East and West.

- Claudio Agostoni, DOVE, Corriere della Sera

Accessible space for people with physical disabilities.
Family-friendly performance.
Free admission with reservation.

For more information on accessibility click here.

Turkish Psychedelic

Levent Akman (cucchiai, percussioni, macchine, giocattoli)
Murat Ertel (saz elettrico e altri strumenti a corda, voce, oscillatori, theremin)
Ümit Adakale (darbuka e percussioni)
Periklis Tsoukalas (oud elettrico e voce)

As part of the project Lungo Le Vie Dell'ACQUA: Ambiente, Cultura, Qualità Di Vita Per Educare Alla Cittadinanza Globale (Along the Ways of Water: Environment, Culture, Quality of Life To Educate Global Citizenship), sponsored by the City of Rovereto and funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation