Oriente OccidenteOriente Occidente Logo
Aug 31 2018 - 14:00
Sep 01 2018 - 16:00

Piazzale Caduti sul Lavoro / Piazza Malfatti, Rovereto


Agnès Fustagueras, Tiravol | ph. Sarah Melchiori

The Franco-Catalan contemporary circus company Daraomaï was founded in 2007 by Agnès Fustagueras I Puig and Martí Soler Gimbernat. With one foot in France, in Carcassonne—where the company is based—and the other in Catalonia, the founders' native region, Daraomaï offers a hybrid form of circus that embraces other disciplines. The founders met at the renowned Fratellini Academy of Circus Arts in Paris, and after completing their training, they embarked on their creative adventure with the piece 1,2,3 Pomme, which has been performed over 120 times.
Through acrobatics, Chinese pole, and dance, Daraomaï develops a unique language that serves contemporary circus writing, driven by the desire to use acrobatics as a narrative expression without losing its spectacularity. In 2012, with L’Instant K, the company changes its morphology but not its poetic essence: Agnès remains at the helm, but David Soubies, an acrobat and musical composer, joins her, while Martí moves to Catalonia to found Daraomaï-Zuid. Agnès and David then become the protagonists of subsequent performances: Cirque portatif and TiraVol, the latter created in two versions, for theaters and open-air spaces.
Expected in Rovereto at Piazza Malfatti and Piazzale Caduti sul Lavoro, TiraVol presents itself as a culmination of the group’s specificity: the blending of virtuosic Chinese pole techniques and danced acrobatics. Thanks to a structure of tubes that define a large triangular prism, TiraVol transports audiences into a suspended universe enveloped by a musical score for percussion and tuba composed by David Soubies. Suspended in a maze of iron, the two acrobats soar, twist, remain suspended, and turn upside down. Their journey is one of initiation toward relationship, understanding differences, and finding similarities. TiraVol is, therefore, the story of a meeting, of a journey undertaken together.


Choreography and Performance: Agnès Fustagueras I Puig and David Soubies
External Observers: Bet Garrell, Marcel Escolano, Los Galindos Compagny
Music: David Soubies
Tuba: Yohan Scheidt
Sound and Lighting Design: Jeremie Guerin, “PP” Patrick Ponchant
Costumes: Aurelie Jacob
Structure: Romain Giard
Graphics and Photography: Yahnn Owen
Production and Distribution: Emilie Dubois
Co-produced by: La Verrerie d’Alès, Pôle National Cirque Languedoc-Roussillon, La Fabrique des Arts - Carcassonne Agglo, Espace Culturel des Corbières-CCRLC&M
With the support of: Conseil Départemental de l’Aude, Conseil régional du Languedoc-Roussillon, Générale de la Création Artistique du Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication
Thanks to: Association le CRABB-Centre Culturel de Biscarrosse, Association 11bouge-Salle le Chapeau Rouge, Association La Caze aux Sottises Central del Circ de Barcelone
Duration: 40’