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Sep 11 2020 - 17:00

Piazza del Mart - Peep Show, Rovereto

The Queen


The baroque iconography and painting of Van Eyck, the fascinating austere figures of queens with huge ruffles, whitened faces, long, rich damask cloaks are the highest representation of Power. But what if power is just a facade that reveals an unsuspected and human fragility?

The queen

Choreography Luciano Padovani
Dancer Alice Carrino
Baroque music and original sounds Diego Dall'Osto
Company Naturalis Labor
 Hangartfest 2020
With the support of
 MIBACT, Veneto Region, Arco Danza, Vicenza Municipality

The show takes place in the set design of the show "A peep show for Cinderella" at the La Ribalta Theater-Kunst der Vielfalt.