Oriente OccidenteOriente Occidente Logo
Sep 07 2020 - 15:30
Sep 07 2020 - 17:30
Sep 08 2020 - 15:30
Sep 08 2020 - 17:30

Quartieri, Rovereto

Perspectiva. Vedere attraverso


In the name, their intentions. Azioni Fuori Posto, is a young collective founded in Trento in 2017, with a mission statement to "act out of context, out of place". The multidisciplinary performances of the group are born in relation to the landscape and the people living there and are the result of the union of the thought and art of Silvia Dezulian and Filippo Porro, dancers and choreographers, and of Martina Dal Brollo, technological sculptress, assisted by Gabriel Garcia, electronic technician. Theater, dance, music, visual art and technology become the 'tools' through which Azioni Fuori Posto creates and comes together.

As is the case in Oltrepassare, a site-specific urban action, winner of the Bando Danza Urbana XL, focused on the theme of walking and climbing. On the shoulders of the two performers are pack baskets (reference to the mountain tradition), transformed into objects of art and sound amplifiers. Instead, on their feet, trekking boots with a microphone to capture the rhythm of the walk, the effort, the different adhesion of the body to the ground. 

Technology and dance are also a key element in the new Perspectiva. Created for Oriente Occidente 2020 and for the town of Rovereto, Vedere attraverso, is the brainchild of Dezulian, Porro and Dal Brollo, and is born of the isolation period during the pandemic, when the only freedom for people to share something with the outside world was to look out of their windows. But what determines the fact of being citizens? Walking out of the door to share the city space. In this way, Perspectiva tries to revive this shared community of the Polis​at a distance, through art. Thus, by inhabiting some of the internal or external courtyards of various condominiums in the Brione, San Giorgio, Lizzana and Sacco districts, nine performers will propose their dance. Each performer is equipped with a set of bluetooth headphones containing the music track shared with the other dancers and with those who, by booking the performance, will watch them from their balcony, connected via device to the track. So tuned into the same music with no "disturbances", everyone from their own perspective can enjoy a collective moment.


Monday 7th - 5.30 pm
Rione Papa Giovanni XXIII – Lizzanella

Monday 7th - 7.30 pm
Intercity, Viale Trento – Brione

Tuesday 8 - 5.30 pm
Via Europa – San Giorgio

Tuesday 8 ore 7.30 pm
Fucine, Via Leonardo Da Vinci – Borgo Sacco

Perspectiva. Vedere attraverso

Creators Martina Dal Brollo, Silvia Dezulian and Filippo Porro
Silvia Dezulian, Francesca Bertolini, Lucrezia Gabrieli, Luca Ghedini, Lorenzo Morandini, Serena Pedrotti, Filippo Porro, Alice Raffaelli, Gloria Trolla
Visual artist 
Martina Dal Brollo