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Sep 07 2021 - 15:30

Sala Conferenze del Mart, Rovereto

Not just the environment. The geopolitical face of the energy transition.

Fabrizio Maronta, head of international relations at Limes | ph Sarah Melchiori

Moderated by Lorenzo Ferrari, OBCT

The race for eco-sustainability, especially in the sectors of electricity generation and mobility, is driven by ecological considerations. However, the scientific, technological, and industrial implications make it a distinctly geostrategic issue, already in full swing and set to become increasingly challenging. The outcomes will determine the sustainability of our way of life and the position of various states and entire generations in the geography of well-being and power, which is currently undergoing a significant redefinition.

Fabrizio Maronta is the Head of International Relations at Limes, a magazine for which he has been writing since 2004 and is a member of the scientific council. He has taught Political and Economic Geography at the University of Roma Tre and has been involved in negotiations for the definition of the European Financial Framework 2007-2013 at an agency affiliated with the Ministry of Economy.