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Sep 09 2022 - 18:30

Teatro Zandonai, Rovereto

Made of space

National premiere

Made of space , Guy Nader -Maria Campos, GN|MC | ph Alfred Mauve

Trajectories and geometries repeat in a hypnotic vital flow, occupying what appears to be an infinite space. Gravity allows itself to be challenged or persuades to surrender. A fabric becomes a set design. A group of dancers and musicians let themselves be carried away by the energy and dynamism that brings them together.

Through a score of different paths, which follow each other incessantly, Made of Space explores movement and the visual/soundscape through a thorough composition. After Time Takes The Time Time Takes and Set of Sets, Nader and Campos complete their trilogy dedicated to the concept of infinity with a work that tries to stop the flow of time through whirling energy and waves of pure dance and pure sound.

Guy Nader and Maria Campos, since founding their company, GN | MC, have continued to renew their artistic language by exploring and crossing contemporary dance, contact improvisation, acrobatics and martial arts.

- Roberto Staglianò, Krapp's last post

Made of space

Idea and concept GN|MC Guy Nader | Maria Campos
Direction Guy Nader
Co-direction Maria Campos
Music composition Miguel Marín
Live Music Daniel Munarriz, Sergio Álvarez
Creation and performance Alex De Vries, Anamaria Klajnšček, Héctor Plaza, Maria Campos, Maxime Smeets, Noé Ferey, Patricia Hastewell
Light Design Conchita Pons
Set Design GN|MC Guy Nader | Maria Campos
Costumes Gabriela Lotaif
Technical direction Albert Glas
Artistic advice Alexis Eupierre
Rehearsal assistance Claudia SolWat
Executive production Clàudia Saez/La Destil·leria, Raqscene
International distribution PLAN B – Creative Agency for Performing Arts
A production by GN|MC Guy Nader | Maria Campos
In coproduction with Mercat de les Flors (projecte Cèl·lula), Festival Grec Barcelona and CondeDuque Madrid
In collaboration with Graner- centre de creació Barcelona
With the support of Fundació Banc Sabadell

Thanks to Michael Yazbek

Made of Space received the prize for best choreography from the XXIV Premios de la Crítica de Artes Escénicas 2022 (Cataluña).

Duration 70 min