Oriente OccidenteOriente Occidente Logo
Nov 03 2023 - 19:30

Teatro Zandonai, Rovereto


Coproduction Oriente Occidente | Opening of the Danza Season at the Centro Santa Chiara

Insel, Panzetti Ticconi | ph Valerio Figuccio

The collision of the castaway with a desert island is what each of us experiences when we plunge into our inner self and encounter our dark side.

Monologue becomes the only possible form of expression. One stages one's own drama out of narcissistic self-satisfaction, while the others become invisible.
Then, suddenly, something upsets everything: a deep, ancient, archaic voice remodels the ground, warps it and life can pass through the cracks.

Through those crevices comes the possibility of a relationship: a solitary lament becomes collective mobilisation, an intimate cry becomes a rite of passage while the sea accompanies and soothes the wounds of the four performers on stage, who go from being individuals to becoming a community.

Two eccentric and popular young Italian dancers/authors who often live and work abroad, narrate the complex forms of the world without being satisfied with easy interpretations, even when they have been accepted for centuries.

- Claudia Allasia, La Repubblica


Space accessible to people with physical disabilities.

For more information on accessibility click here.


Concept, choreography, voices Ginevra Panzetti, Enrico Ticconi
Performers Sissj Bassani, Efthimios Moschopoulos, Aleksandra Petrushevska, Julia Plawgo
Music composition Demetrio Castellucci
Music and voice Gavino Murgia
Light design Annegret Schalke
Costume design Werkstattkollektiv
Headgear, props, graphics Ginevra Panzetti
Psychoanalytic theoretical insight Daniela Frau
Technical direction on tour Michele Piazzi, Annegret Schalke

Manager, distribution Aurélie Martin
Italian administration Federica Giuliano (VAN)
German production management Sofia Fantuzzi
Logistic Eleonora Cavallo (VAN - Panzetti/Ticconi GbR)
Production Panzetti / Ticconi GbR (DE), Associazione Culturale VAN (IT)
Funded by Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe (DE)
Coproduction Tanz im August / HAU Hebbel am Ufer (DE), JUMP network (formed by Oriente Occidente, Festival MILANoLTRE, I Teatri di Reggio Emilia, Lavanderia a Vapore/Piemonte dal Vivo, Marche Teatro/Inteatro Festival, Orbita, Scenario Pubblico / Centro di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale, Teatro Comunale di Vicenza, Teatro Stabile dell'Umbria) (IT), Torinodanza Festival / Teatro Stabile Torino - Teatro Nazionale (IT), Julidans Amsterdam (NL), Pact Zollverein (DE), Le Manège, scène-nationale - Reims (FR) // Le Pacifique – CDCN Grenoble Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (FR), network Les Petites Scènes Ouvertes with the sponsorship of Caisse des dépôts (FR), Centre Chorégraphique National de Nantes within the framework of Accueil Studio (FR), CCNR / YUVAL PICK within the framework of Accueil Studio (FR), Fuori Margine Centro di Produzione di Danza e Arti Performative della Sardegna (IT)
Artistic residency program Centre Chorégraphique National de Nantes (FR), Lavanderia a Vapore/Piemonte dal Vivo (IT), Kinosaki International Arts Center (Toyooka city) (JP), TEN Teatro Eliseo Nuoro (IT), Le Pacifique – CDCN Grenoble Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (FR) in partnership with CCNR / YUVAL PICK (FR), Chorège – CDCN Falaise Normandie (FR), Scenario Pubblico / Centro di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (IT), Le Manège, scène-nationale - Reims (FR)

Duration 55'

In collaboration with Centro Santa Chiara and Fondazione CARITRO.
Performance included in the Circuito Danza Trentino - Alto Adige Südtirol, opening of the Rovereto Dance Season.