Oriente OccidenteOriente Occidente Logo
Sep 05 2024 - 16:00

Teatro alla Cartiera

Frammenti d’infinito

Preview | Co-production Oriente Occidente

In the culture of media overexposure and appearance, our bodies have increasingly become images to be displayed, objects of stories to be consumed non-stop, figures subjected to the curious and inquisitive gaze of unknown observers. In this diptych entitled Frammenti d’infinito, Aristide Rontini first takes bodies out of the direct light by making them shadows that lose their boundaries and vanish into the open horizon of infinity, and then he multiplies them, making them more numerous by drawing them from different communities. And, once again, he shows us their - and our - infinite possibilities of being.

The second part of the work is the result of a community workshop that the choreographer held in Rovereto with non-professionals, dance and theatre lovers.


Wheelchair accessible.
Accessible for Deaf community.
There is a sensory room at the performance venue.

The show includes annoying noises at minute 9 and minute 26, for a total of about 2 minutes, a sudden noise at minute 16 and lights, at times, flashing.

For more information on accessibility click here.

Frammenti d’infinito

Black eye back

Choreography Aristide Rontini
Performers Silvia Brazzale, Cristian Cucco, Orlando Izzo
Dramaturgy Gaia Clotilde Chernetich
Sound design Vittorio Giampietro
Costumes Orlando Izzo
Light Design Angelo Generali
Production Nexus Factory
Co-production Masque teatro
Supported by Progetto Residenze Artistiche 2022/2023 Area Cultura Comune di Imola, Danza Urbana - Rete h(abita)t / MUVet, Northern School of Contemporary Dance

This project was supported by Open Dialogue, a bilateral cultural exchange project curated by Stopgap Dance Company and commissioned by the Italian Ministry of Culture (Directorate General for Performing Arts), Arts Council England, the Italian Cultural Institute in London and the British Council


Coreografia Aristide Rontini
Interpreti partecipanti al laboratorio
Gaia Clotilde Chernetich
Sound Designer Vittorio Giampietro
Collaborazione produttiva Nexus Factory, Emilia Romagna Teatro ERT / Teatro Nazionale - Focus CARNE, Oriente Occidente nel progetto Europe Beyond Access co-finanziato Creative Europe

Duration 30' + 10'

The project is supported by Europe Beyond Access financed by the Creative Europe.