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29° Oriente Occidente - Incontro di culture
Rovereto Trento | September 3 – 13, 2009


Having minutely analysed the linguistic and cultural melting pot between East and West, Oriente Occidente's gaze necessarily shifts to other latitudes and, playing as always with cross-references, references, refractions and cross-referential stimuli, focuses in this edition on two choreographic worlds that, for different reasons, nevertheless seem to maintain certain stylistic and poetic peculiarities intact: North America and Russia. In other words, two geographic and cultural giants with very specific choreographic traditions, still proudly defended - the first the great historical modern movement, the second classical ballet - and yet willing to be crossed by the most diverse creative stimuli, America for its natural ideological constitution, Russia for its curiosity to know what is knowable and to measure itself against it.

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