Oriente OccidenteOriente Occidente Logo

Box office

Oriente Occidente Dance Festival tickets and subscriptions are available in our online shop on Vivaticket from mid-June, which you can also access from the individual event pages.

An infoline is activated to support the online purchase.

Our box office, on the other hand, will be open from the end of August and you will also be able to purchase tickets, subscriptions and even your favorite piece of our merchandise.

Festival tickets are also available at all Vivaticket Points. Find out where they are!


0464 016576

Box office & Temporary shop

Corso Rosmini 58 | Rovereto | Ground floor


In the process of being defined

Tariffa Young (UNDER 35)

Admission to all performances in the theater 10 euros
(except for the preview)

Tickets cannot be purchased in theaters.
However, purchase is possible online up to five minutes before the start of the performance.

The program may be subject to some changes. Updates and timely communications will be found on orienteoccidente.it and on our social channels.

People with disabilities are entitled to reduced tickets that must be made by phone through our infoline or by mail writing to booking@orienteoccidente.it

Assistants of peopele with disabilities have free admission.